The province of Padua is the 13rd largest Italian province by population with 937.908 people, located in the Veneto region.
The larger Padova metropolitan area comprises 102 towns (comuni) and covers an area of 214.415 km2.
The population density is 437 inhabitants per km2, making it somewhat densely populated.
The male to female ratio is 1.00:1.06.
Padua (Italian: Padova, Venetian: Pàdova) is a city in north eastern Italy, and the capital of the province of the same name.
It is located centrally in the Veneto region, between Venice on one side and Vicenza and Verona on the other.
The city itself has 210,821 inhabitants (2001), with about 350,000 inhabitants in the wider metropolitan area.
.The province of Padua receives on average 234 hours of sunshine per month, or 7.8 hours of sunshine per day.NaN This is 0.85% less than the average for Italy and 3.41% more than the average for the region of Veneto.
Throughout the year, it rains on average 7.43 days per month, which is an ordinary amount of precipitation for an Italian province.
During the autumn and winter season, there are usually 10.59 days per month with fog and 3.7 cold days per month with perceived temperatures below 3°C.
In the summer, there are on average 20.45 hot days per month with perceived temperatures above 30°C.
.The average monthly income in Padua is around 1971.62€, which is higher than the average for Italy.
The estimated cost of living is around 1927.7€ per month for an individual or 2897.64€ per month for a family of 4.
The cost for renting a small apartment (2-3 bedrooms) in a main city area is around 1000.82€ per month.
Overall, Padova is expensive compared to other Italian provinces.
Living in Padua is around 16.82% more expensive than the average of all Italian provinces.
.Healthcare in Padua is above average.
For every 10k inhabitants, there are around undefined pharmacies, 8.26 general practitioners and 34.3 specialized doctors per 10k inhabitants.
NaNAverage life expectancy in Padua is very high at 83.5 years of age.
.Padua has a higher-than-average percentage of high school graduates, around 67.8%; and a higher-than-average percentage of university graduates, around 38.6%.NaN
The average number of completed years of schooling for people over 25 is 10.83, which is not far from the national average of 10.44.
There is one university in the province.
.Padua (Padova) offers a lively and dynamic nightlife that caters to the city's vibrant student population.
The streets are lined with a variety of bars, pubs, and clubs where visitors can enjoy live music, DJ sets, and a bustling atmosphere.
Padua's nightlife scene is known for its energetic vibe, friendly crowds, and a mix of traditional and contemporary venues.
Overall, Padua has somewhat decent nightlife with 2.36 bars and 2.99 restaurants per 10k inhabitants.
The province of Padua is overall moderately safe for expats.
As of 2021, there are an average of 3112.9 reported crimes per 100k inhabitants.
This is 9.77% higher than the national average.
There have been around 0.5 deadly road accidents and 13.2 serious work-related injuries per 10k people in Padova.
This is respectively 7.41% less driving accidents than average and -2.33% less work accidents than average.
Car theft is reportedly 67.40% lower than average with only 22.99 cases per 100k inhabitants.
NaNReports of house thefts are 32.37% higher than average with 231.68 cases per 100k inhabitants.
NaNCases of robbery are not totally uncommon, around 25.93% higher than average with 27.88 reports per 100k inhabitants.
Padua is an extremely safe city and ranks as one of the most secure parts of Italy.
However, like all places, there are some areas that should be avoided, such as the Stanga/Via Venezia and Centro Giotto region.
There are also higher crime rates close to the Stazione di Padova, the city's main railway station.
The majority of incidents in Padua are related to petty theft and pickpocketing, particularly in crowded areas and public transportation.
It is advisable to take basic precautions such as keeping an eye on personal belongings and avoiding isolated or poorly lit areas at night.
Padua has a low murder rate, and road accidents are relatively infrequent.
Nonetheless, it is always important to remain vigilant and aware of your surroundings..
Public transport in Padua is quite good, and traffic is below average.
There are on average 0.61 active vehicles per person, against a national average of 0.66.
Around 1.81km per 10k inhabitants of the main city in Padova consist of bicycle lanes.
This makes Padova somewhat bike-friendly by Italian standards.
The historic center is not very big, so you can go around in the narrow streets..