The province of Rimini is the 65th largest Italian province by population with 337.276 people, located in the Emilia-Romagna region.
Rimini offers a wide range of entertainment options, including water sports, theme parks, and cultural events.
It is a popular destination for beach lovers and partygoers alike.
The larger Rimini metropolitan area comprises 27 towns (comuni) and covers an area of 92.177 km2.
The population density is 366 inhabitants per km2, making it somewhat densely populated.
The male to female ratio is 1.00:1.07.
Rimini is a resort town in Emilia-Romagna, on Italy's east coast.
Rimini is a thriving, bustling resort on the Italian Riviera that boasts "over a thousand hotels".
It is one of the least pretentious towns in Italy.
This is a place where the Italians (and Russians!) go for their sea and sun, and therefore the food is excellent as well as the people being friendly and helpful.
.The province of Rimini receives on average 237 hours of sunshine per month, or 7.9 hours of sunshine per day.NaN This is 0.42% more than the average for Italy and 1.86% more than the average for the region of Emilia-Romagna.
Throughout the year, it rains on average 7.09 days per month, which is an ordinary amount of precipitation for an Italian province.
During the autumn and winter season, there are usually 7.35 days per month with fog and 2.07 cold days per month with perceived temperatures below 3ยฐC.
In the summer, there are on average 14.35 hot days per month with perceived temperatures above 30ยฐC.
.The average monthly income in Rimini is around 1350.18โฌ, which is lower than the average for Italy.
The estimated cost of living is around 1906.2โฌ per month for an individual or 2807.45โฌ per month for a family of 4.
The cost for renting a small apartment (2-3 bedrooms) in a main city area is around 987.21โฌ per month.
Overall, Rimini is expensive compared to other Italian provinces.
Living in Rimini is around 15.52% more expensive than the average of all Italian provinces.
.Healthcare in Rimini is above average.
For every 10k inhabitants, there are around undefined pharmacies, 9.12 general practitioners and 30.3 specialized doctors per 10k inhabitants.
NaNAverage life expectancy in Rimini is very high at 82.5 years of age.
.Rimini has a lower-than-average percentage of high school graduates, around 60.1%; and a higher-than-average percentage of university graduates, around 26.9%.NaN
The average number of completed years of schooling for people over 25 is 10.6, which is not far from the national average of 10.44.
NaN There are no universities in this province.
.Rimini, a popular seaside destination on the Adriatic coast, boasts a vibrant and energetic nightlife that attracts both locals and tourists.
The city's long stretch of sandy beaches is lined with beach clubs and bars, offering a unique setting for daytime and evening entertainment.
Rimini's city center comes alive with a wide range of bars, clubs, and discos, creating a lively atmosphere.
Overall, Rimini has somewhat decent nightlife with 3.68 bars and 5.68 restaurants per 10k inhabitants.
The province of Rimini is overall less safe than other Italian provinces for expats.
As of 2021, there are an average of 4603.4 reported crimes per 100k inhabitants.
This is 62.33% higher than the national average.
There have been around 0.2 deadly road accidents and 13.1 serious work-related injuries per 10k people in Rimini.
This is respectively 62.96% less driving accidents than average and -1.55% less work accidents than average.
Car theft is reportedly 52.84% lower than average with only 33.26 cases per 100k inhabitants.
NaNReports of house thefts are 13.50% higher than average with 198.65 cases per 100k inhabitants.
NaNCases of robbery are not totally uncommon, around 238.98% higher than average with 75.05 reports per 100k inhabitants.
Rimini is recognized as a safe coastal town with a low crime rate.
Incidents of petty theft and pickpocketing are infrequent, ensuring a secure experience for residents and tourists.
Rimini has implemented effective safety measures and maintains a visible police presence.
Road safety is generally good, but it is important to follow traffic rules and drive responsibly..
Public transport in Rimini is quite good, and traffic is below average.
There are on average 0.62 active vehicles per person, against a national average of 0.66.
Around 1.57km per 10k inhabitants of the main city in Rimini consist of bicycle lanes.
This makes Rimini somewhat bike-friendly by Italian standards.
Most hotels are within walking distance of the beach and the centre, but if you want to take a trip along the coast or inland, buses run regularly from the train station and are frequent and cheap.
Mi Muovo is an integrated public transport pass for the region.
Short-stay visitors might use "Mi Muovo Multibus", a 12-trip bus ticket, see Emilia Romagna#Get around.