Montefiascone, Lazio, Italy

Climate ZoneE

Montefiascone is a municipality of 12.983 inhabitants located in the Viterbo province in the Italian region of Lazio in Central Italy.

It has a population density of 124 people per km² and an altitude of 590 metres above the sea level.

Montefiascone accounts for about 4.10% of the total population in the province of Viterbo and about 0.02154% of the overall population of Italy as of 2022.

About Montefiascone

Montefiascone showcases Montefiascone Cathedral, the Rocca dei Papi, and views of Lake Bolsena.

It offers a blend of historical and natural vistas.

Montefiascone's history dates back to Etruscan times.

The town later became a Papal residence, influencing its religious and historical significance.


Montefiascone is classified as a Climate Zone E, which means it is a fairly chill town. The local climate is characterized by short, mild winters with hot and somewhat windy summers and overall little precipitation.

The province of Viterbo experiences on average 72.51 days of hot temperatures (over 30°C) and 4.49 cold temperature days (<5°C) per year.

Precipitation in the form of rain or snow occurs around 87.60 days per year. There are 4.59 foggy days throughout the year.

The municipality of Montefiascone enjoys approximately 8.3 hours of sunshine per day. This means that the town experiences an average of 336.61 sunny days in a year.

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Map of Montefiascone

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Viterbo Province Info

Quality of LifeCost of LivingDigital Nomads

👥Population: 317,030

🚑Healthcare: poor

📚Education: great

👮🏽‍♀️Safety: good

🚨Crime: very low

🚌Transport: poor

🚥Traffic: high

🚴‍♂️Cyclable: poor

🏛️Culture: good

🍸Nightlife: excellent

Recreation: poor

🌦️Climate: great

☀️Sunshine: great

🥵Summers: a bit hot

🥶Winters: not cold

🌧️Rain: average

🌫️Fog: little

🍃Air quality: poor

👪For family: poor

👩For women: okay

🏳️‍🌈LGBTQ+: good

🥗For vegans: great

📈Cost of Living: affordable

🧑🏻Expenses (single person): 1422.17€/m

👩🏽‍🏫Expenses (tourist): 2133.26€/m

🏠Rental (studio apt.): 290.85€/m

🏘️Rental (2-room apt.): 415.5€/m

🏰Rental (3-room apt.): 581.7€/m

🏙️Housing Cost: affordable

💵Local Income: 1375.48€/m

👪Expenses (small family): 2130.43€/m

🏠Sale (studio apt.): 32580€/m

🏘️Sale (2-room apt.): 54300€/m

🏰Sale (3-room apt.): 76020€/m

👩‍💻Nomad-friendly: good

💃Fun: great

🤗Friendliness: good

🤐English-speakers: good

😊Happiness: okay

💸Nomad cost: 2133.26€/m

📡High-speed Internet: poor

📈Innovation: okay

🏖️Beach: excellent

⛰️Hiking: okay

Towns in the Province of Viterbo

Viterbo Tarquinia Civita castellana Vetralla Montefiascone Nepi Orte Montalto di Castro Ronciglione Tuscania Fabrica di Roma Soriano nel Cimino Sutri Capranica Acquapendente Vitorchiano Caprarola Canino Monterosi Bassano Romano Vignanello Vasanello Bolsena Oriolo Romano Corchiano Bagnoregio Marta Blera Canepina Valentano Gallese Grotte di Castro Castel Sant'Elia Vallerano Castiglione in Teverina Ischia di Castro Vejano Graffignano Faleria San Lorenzo Nuovo Carbognano Monte Romano Piansano Bomarzo Capodimonte Civitella d'Agliano Farnese Celleno Gradoli Bassano in Teverina Villa S. Giovanni T. Cellere Barbarano Romano Onano Calcata Lubriano Arlena di Castro Latera Proceno Tessennano

Provinces Near Viterbo