Santa maria la carità, Campania, Italy

NameSanta maria la carità
Climate ZoneC

Santa maria la carità is a municipality of 11.703 inhabitants located in the Naples province in the Italian region of Campania in Southern Italy.

It has a population density of 2.941 people per km² and an altitude of 16 metres above the sea level.

Santa maria la carità accounts for about 0.38% of the total population in the province of Naples and about 0.01942% of the overall population of Italy as of 2022.


Santa maria la carità is classified as a Climate Zone C, which means it is a fairly warm location. The local climate is characterized by short, mild winters with hot and somewhat windy summers and overall little precipitation.

The province of Naples experiences on average 78.41 days of hot temperatures (over 30°C) and 0.41 cold temperature days (<5°C) per year.

Precipitation in the form of rain or snow occurs around 94.56 days per year. Fog is rarely an issue, with little to no foggy days throughout the year.

The municipality of Santa maria la carità enjoys approximately 8.3 hours of sunshine per day. This means that the town experiences an average of 336.61 sunny days in a year.

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Map of Santa maria la carità

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Naples Province Info

Quality of LifeCost of LivingDigital Nomads

👥Population: 3,072,996

🚑Healthcare: good

📚Education: okay

👮🏽‍♀️Safety: poor

🚨Crime: too much

🚌Transport: great

🚥Traffic: low

🚴‍♂️Cyclable: poor

🏛️Culture: great

🍸Nightlife: excellent

Recreation: poor

🌦️Climate: good

☀️Sunshine: great

🥵Summers: hot

🥶Winters: not cold

🌧️Rain: rainy

🌫️Fog: no fog

🍃Air quality: okay

👪For family: poor

👩For women: poor

🏳️‍🌈LGBTQ+: excellent

🥗For vegans: excellent

📈Cost of Living: average

🧑🏻Expenses (single person): 1515.17€/m

👩🏽‍🏫Expenses (tourist): 2272.75€/m

🏠Rental (studio apt.): 353.15€/m

🏘️Rental (2-room apt.): 504.5€/m

🏰Rental (3-room apt.): 706.3€/m

🏙️Housing Cost: high

💵Local Income: 1412.37€/m

👪Expenses (small family): 2261.17€/m

🏠Sale (studio apt.): 68100€/m

🏘️Sale (2-room apt.): 113500€/m

🏰Sale (3-room apt.): 158900€/m

👩‍💻Nomad-friendly: excellent

💃Fun: great

🤗Friendliness: okay

🤐English-speakers: okay

😊Happiness: poor

💸Nomad cost: 2272.75€/m

📡High-speed Internet: excellent

📈Innovation: great

🏖️Beach: excellent

⛰️Hiking: poor

Towns in the Province of Napoli

Napoli Giugliano in campania Torre del greco Pozzuoli Casoria Castellammare di stabia Afragola Acerra Marano di napoli Portici Ercolano Casalnuovo di napoli San giorgio a cremano Quarto Torre annunziata Pomigliano d'arco Melito di napoli Caivano Mugnano di napoli Nola Somma vesuviana Sant'antimo Arzano Villaricca San giuseppe vesuviano Marigliano Frattamaggiore Gragnano Sant'anastasia Boscoreale Volla Bacoli Qualiano Pompei Ottaviano Poggiomarino Cardito Vico equense Ischia Sant'antonio abate Casavatore Forio Terzigno Grumo nevano Cercola Palma campania Brusciano Saviano Sorrento Frattaminore Massa lubrense Casandrino Pollena trocchia Calvizzano Piano di sorrento Cicciano San gennaro vesuviano Monte di procida Crispano Santa maria la carità Procida Barano d'Ischia Boscotrecase Striano San Sebastiano al Vesuvio Sant'Agnello Trecase Mariglianella Castello di Cisterna Meta Agerola Casamicciola Terme Cimitile Anacapri Capri Roccarainola San Vitaliano Scisciano Lettere Pimonte Camposano Massa di Somma Lacco Ameno Visciano Casola di Napoli Tufino San Paolo Bel Sito Serrara Fontana Casamarciano Carbonara di Nola Comiziano Liveri

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