Roio del sangro, Abruzzo, Italy

NameRoio del sangro
Climate ZoneE

Roio del sangro is a municipality of 95 inhabitants located in the Chieti province in the Italian region of Abruzzo in Southern Italy.

It has a population density of 8,04 people per km² and an altitude of 870 metres above the sea level.

Roio del sangro accounts for about 0.02% of the total population in the province of Chieti and about 0.00016% of the overall population of Italy as of 2022.


Roio del sangro is classified as a Climate Zone E, which means it is a fairly chill town. The local climate is characterized by cold winters and hot but windy summers, with somewhat frequent rainfall spread throughout the year.

The province of Chieti experiences on average 62.50 days of hot temperatures (over 30°C) and 5.42 cold temperature days (<5°C) per year.

Precipitation in the form of rain or snow occurs around 80.16 days per year. Fog is rarely an issue, with little to no foggy days throughout the year.

The municipality of Roio del sangro enjoys approximately 8.1 hours of sunshine per day. This means that the town experiences an average of 328.50 sunny days in a year.

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Map of Roio del sangro

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Chieti Province Info

Quality of LifeCost of LivingDigital Nomads

👥Population: 385,588

🚑Healthcare: good

📚Education: good

👮🏽‍♀️Safety: great

🚨Crime: very low

🚌Transport: poor

🚥Traffic: high

🚴‍♂️Cyclable: poor

🏛️Culture: good

🍸Nightlife: okay

Recreation: okay

🌦️Climate: great

☀️Sunshine: good

🥵Summers: not very hot

🥶Winters: not cold

🌧️Rain: little

🌫️Fog: no fog

🍃Air quality: excellent

👪For family: great

👩For women: okay

🏳️‍🌈LGBTQ+: great

🥗For vegans: good

📈Cost of Living: cheap

🧑🏻Expenses (single person): 1508.2€/m

👩🏽‍🏫Expenses (tourist): 2262.3€/m

🏠Rental (studio apt.): 231.7€/m

🏘️Rental (2-room apt.): 331€/m

🏰Rental (3-room apt.): 463.4€/m

🏙️Housing Cost: cheap

💵Local Income: 1632.99€/m

👪Expenses (small family): 2274.47€/m

🏠Sale (studio apt.): 33990€/m

🏘️Sale (2-room apt.): 56650€/m

🏰Sale (3-room apt.): 79310€/m

👩‍💻Nomad-friendly: good

💃Fun: great

🤗Friendliness: good

🤐English-speakers: good

😊Happiness: okay

💸Nomad cost: 2262.3€/m

📡High-speed Internet: good

📈Innovation: okay

🏖️Beach: excellent

⛰️Hiking: good

Towns in the Province of Chieti

Chieti Vasto Lanciano Francavilla al mare Ortona San salvo San giovanni teatino Atessa Guardiagrele Fossacesia Casalbordino Casoli San vito chietino Bucchianico Cupello Miglianico Castel frentano Torrevecchia teatina Paglieta Ripa teatina Tollo Orsogna Altino Scerni Casalincontrada Torino di sangro Crecchio Gissi Mozzagrogna Monteodorisio Sant'eusanio del sangro Rocca san giovanni Villamagna Pollutri Santa maria imbaro Archi Fara filiorum petri Treglio Tornareccio Frisa Castiglione messer marino Roccamontepiano Vacri Perano Fara san martino Canosa sannita Palena Gessopalena Rapino Roccaspinalveti Torricella peligna Casacanditella Giuliano teatino Villa santa maria Lama dei peligni Arielli Roccascalegna Ari Pizzoferrato Palombaro Fresagrandinaria Villalfonsina San buono Filetto Montazzoli Casalanguida Pretoro San martino sulla m. Furci Palmoli Poggiofiorito Celenza sul trigno Civitella messer raimondo Bomba Torrebruna Quadri Schiavi di abruzzo Liscia Lentella Montenerodomo Carunchio Carpineto sinello Colledimezzo Pennapiedimonte Guilmi Tufillo Taranta peligna Castelguidone Lettopalena Dogliola Borrello Civitaluparella Gamberale Fraine Pennadomo Rosello Colledimacine San giovanni lipioni Pietraferrazzana Fallo Monteferrante Roio del sangro Montelapiano Montebello sul Sangro

Provinces Near Chieti