Calvatone, Lombardy, Italy

Climate Zone?

Calvatone is a municipality of 1.159 inhabitants located in the Cremona province in the Italian region of Lombardy in Northern Italy.

It has a population density of 85 people per km² and an altitude of 29 metres above the sea level.

Calvatone accounts for about 0.32% of the total population in the province of Cremona and about 0.00192% of the overall population of Italy as of 2022.


Calvatone is classified as a Climate Zone undefined, which means it is . The local climate is characterized by winters which are long and cold and summers which are dry and very hot. There are frequent precipitations in autumn and spring, and fog is not uncommon.

The province of Cremona experiences on average 76.01 days of hot temperatures (over 30°C) and 19.10 cold temperature days (<5°C) per year.

Precipitation in the form of rain or snow occurs around 89.28 days per year. There are 48.99 foggy days throughout the year.

The municipality of Calvatone enjoys approximately 7.6 hours of sunshine per day. This means that the town experiences an average of 308.22 sunny days in a year.

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Map of Calvatone

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Cremona Province Info

Quality of LifeCost of LivingDigital Nomads

👥Population: 358,955

🚑Healthcare: great

📚Education: okay

👮🏽‍♀️Safety: good

🚨Crime: very low

🚌Transport: poor

🚥Traffic: low

🚴‍♂️Cyclable: excellent

🏛️Culture: okay

🍸Nightlife: poor

Recreation: excellent

🌦️Climate: okay

☀️Sunshine: good

🥵Summers: hot

🥶Winters: very cold

🌧️Rain: average

🌫️Fog: a lot

🍃Air quality: excellent

👪For family: excellent

👩For women: great

🏳️‍🌈LGBTQ+: good

🥗For vegans: poor

📈Cost of Living: affordable

🧑🏻Expenses (single person): 1766.87€/m

👩🏽‍🏫Expenses (tourist): 2650.31€/m

🏠Rental (studio apt.): 250.6€/m

🏘️Rental (2-room apt.): 358€/m

🏰Rental (3-room apt.): 501.2€/m

🏙️Housing Cost: cheap

💵Local Income: 1931.91€/m

👪Expenses (small family): 2668.69€/m

🏠Sale (studio apt.): 33660€/m

🏘️Sale (2-room apt.): 56100€/m

🏰Sale (3-room apt.): 78540€/m

👩‍💻Nomad-friendly: okay

💃Fun: okay

🤗Friendliness: good

🤐English-speakers: good

😊Happiness: good

💸Nomad cost: 2650.31€/m

📡High-speed Internet: good

📈Innovation: great

🏖️Beach: poor

⛰️Hiking: okay

Towns in the Province of Cremona

Cremona Crema Casalmaggiore Castelleone Pandino Soresina Rivolta d'adda Soncino Spino d'adda Pizzighettone Offanengo Castelverde Bagnolo cremasco Vailate Piadena drizzona Agnadello Palazzo pignano Vescovato Dovera Casalbuttano ed uniti Vaiano cremasco Sergnano Ripalta cremasca Persico dosimo Sesto ed uniti Romanengo Sospiro Madignano Trescore cremasco Ostiano Gussola Pianengo Montodine Capralba Monte cremasco Robecco d'oglio Chieve Capergnanica San bassano Martignana di po Torre de' picenardi Annicco Izano San giovanni in croce Gadesco-pieve delmona Rivarolo del re ed u. Casale cremasco-v. Casaletto vaprio Ricengo Cremosano Malagnino Grumello ceu Trigolo Pieve san giacomo Casalmorano Credera rubbiano Pescarolo ed uniti Grontardo Spinadesco Bonemerse Stagno lombardo Pozzaglio ed uniti Gerre de' caprioli Paderno ponchielli Corte de' frati Scandolara ravara San daniele po Pieve d'olmi Camisano Fiesco Calvatone Cingia de' Botti Genivolta Casaletto Ceredano Acquanegra Cremonese Salvirola Pieranica Isola Dovarese Corte de' Cortesi C. Formigara Ripalta Arpina Olmeneta Solarolo Rainerio Cicognolo Quintano Gabbioneta-Binanuova Motta Baluffi Moscazzano Campagnola Cremasca Gombito Crotta d'Adda Spineda Azzanello Pessina Cremonese Casteldidone Bordolano Torricella del Pizzo Cappella Cantone Ripalta Guerina Casaletto di Sopra Scandolara Ripa d'Oglio Torlino Vimercati Cella Dati Volongo Castel Gabbiano Tornata Cappella de' Picenardi Cumignano sul Naviglio Ticengo San Martino del Lago Voltido Derovere Castelvisconti

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